LARC is pleased to announce the start of the public phase of "From the Ground Up - Campaign for Camp MOE". We are well on our way to the campaign goal of $1.5 million! This public phase will allow LARC to complete several projects that are integral to the goals of optimizing the property and making Camp MOE the very best camp in the state!
This campaign, which was started in 2016, will achieve the long-term goal of making the camp a year-round facility suitable for the individuals whom LARC supports as well as for the greater Litchfield County community. Funds raised to date have transformed the facility. The additional funds raised will help LARC continue this important work, offer new and improved recreational and developmental programs at the camp, and make the property a year-round facility. Two of the projects in the planning stages for this next phase of the campaign are updating the Infirmary and the kitchen in the Lodge.
We hope you will consider making a donation in support of the campaign. You will be helping LARC create a year-round destination place in Torrington and ensure that the property is better positioned to serve a variety of needs in the community related to LARC’s mission of Community for All!
The time has come to cast your vote!! The "Name the Property" Contest committee has narrowed down the list of 64 entries to the top 5. Please select the one name you feel best describes the property that is home to Camp MOE. Keep in mind the name will be followed by the tagline "Home of Camp MOE". Voting is open until 4:00pm on Tuesday, Sept. 25th. One vote per person. Click the button above to submit your vote. Please feel free to share this survey with others. Thank You. The top three names will receive prizes. The winning name will be announced on Saturday, September 29th at the "From the Ground Up - A Campaign for Camp MOE" celebration.